Link Checker


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the link checker?
Open Graph Link Checker allows you to see active meta tags on any url. You provide the URL and we show the open graph meta tags and other meta tags from the page
I don't see any meta tags, why?
Make sure that you provide the correct URL. We don't follow redirects, so you have to provide the target URL. We only support `http` and `https` protocols.
When should I use this page?
Some common uses case for this page include:
  • You changed the meta tags and want to know if you can see them.
  • You want to display the current active meta tags and maybe edit them later
What does OG Tester stands for?
OG Tester stands for Open Graph Tester.
Who developed this project?
This project is mainly developed by Kiru. Checkout to discover more projects.
Can I ask more questions?
Yes, feel free to contact us via our feedback form.
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